Sunday, January 23, 2011

Okay ever since Ella was born I have had this nagging feeling that this stupid blog thing----this blog thing that completely freaks me out----it totally and completely necessary. I don't know why, I don't really want to know why. For some reason in my head I feel like it may be some crazy weird divine purpose, but whatever. So here I am, at the computer way past my bedtime, trying to findthe motivation to do some yoga because I am SOOOO freaking sore all over my body, yet I am so distracted by getting this blog going that I can't even think straight. I am a horrible journal keeper, horrible! I hate writing and thinking of person things to say, but for some reason, when I sit down to the computer I can just spit it all out.

So here I am, I am gonna try this. My kids are just as super awesome as yours. That's right, they are and I am not going to stop talking about it until you are really super sick of me. So that's where I am. My kids. That's who this is for. And maybe a little for me. Maybe to help me remember the good things and the the things that inspire me. Maybe it's for me to be just a little bit obnoxious because face it, that is what I am. Sorry M
om and Dad, but I blame you for my obnoxiousness. No filter, so don't expect one and you better just learn to like it.


Unknown said...

and like it I do.

Dena and Jared said...

I love no filter Bonnie, she makes me laugh!! Oh and your kids really are pretty cool :)